So I decided to do a self-appraisal, a validation of sorts, to what I had deemed as logic points for my life operating system – The Buddha OS. And as with any operating system, release an upgrade. Launching, two years after inception, The Buddha OS – Version Nomadic
Logic #1: You can have no contradictions in life. When you encounter a contradiction check your premises, one of them will be false. Eliminate all such false premises. Keep life contradiction free.
Logic #2: You must always have faith
Logic #3: You must prioritize your battles. It is futile to try and fight all the battles at once. And make sure you only fight the right ones. Sometimes you win by walking away
Logic #4: The best form of deception is the truth
Logic #5: Every force has an opposing force. To win you must always fight a certain force with its opposing force. Use logic #3 first to determine battle priority, win conditions and use of force. Then apply logic #5.
Logic #6: That which does not matter, you must let it pass. And when it doesn’t pass fast enough, look at the night sky for a cosmic perspective.
Logic #7: In matters of offence, you must strike swiftly
Logic #8: There is no pot of
Logic #9: System Scalability Balance - Never grow up at the cost of core values and dreams. If it seemed important in school, it’s still important. Disregard arguments and advice built on words like “sensible”, “practical” and “economic sense”.
Logic #10:: Reusable system blocks - Respectful. Simplicity. Passionate. Honesty.
Logic #11: Fuzzy logic – Make your highest exception(s) for the one(s) you love the most. So when all other logic points lead to a fuzzy conclusion, make the exception. At this point, contradictions disappear, faith is rewarded, winning and losing don’t matter, deceptions vanish and happiness is experienced.